More time for production at The Chord Company
“The Chord Company has been designing and producing cables for hi-fi and home cinema systems since 1985, in our facility set deep in the heart of Wiltshire, UK.
Over twenty-seven years of research, experimentation and close cooperation with some of the best equipment manufacturers means that right now, the cables and interconnects that The Chord Company produces are some of the very best available.
Offering a comprehensive range and a custom cable service means carrying a wide selection of the highest quality parts.
With such a range of custom connections, variations in parts quantities are inevitable. With TalliScan, parts can be checked quickly and easily.
Counting just one rack of parts used to take two hours even using our set of counting scales. With TalliScan it takes just 30 minutes!
Stock takes are completed in a quarter of the time and the results are imported into the stock system effortlessly.
This allows The Chord Company to manage their inventory quickly and accurately, affording more time for Production.”
Richard Senior – The Chord Company
Radamec chooses TalliScan for stocktaking
Radamec Control Systems Ltd has chosen TalliScan for counting its diverse range of parts.
Radamec, based in Newbury (Berkshire), has been designing Control Systems and Monitoring Systems for the Marine industry for many years. Over that time they have seen their product range grow whilst their existing products in-service life expectancy from their loyal customer base can exceed thirty years. To support their wide product portfolio and in-service product support means maintaining a vast array of stocked parts.
Introducing a range of Environmental products has put further pressure on the need to check stock levels efficiently and accurately.
Even with an MRP system in place, errors can creep in over time. Physical count and stock check are the only true way to bring all the manufacturing systems into line. But with a large number of bin items to count it’s the one job everyone is trying to avoid.
With TalliScan in place the task of counting the entire inventory can now be performed by one person in far less time than it used to take an entire production line of staff to perform. The ease of use and efficiency of the system also enables Radamec to change their stocktaking schedule from once or twice a year to a perpetual stocktaking model so more items are checked more often than ever before.